Kelly Tolar, Charlotte NC |
~ OrGano Gold,
Kelly Tolar
Direct Line: 1.704.401.4242
OrGano Gold : Open in 13 countries for business: the USA, Canada, Germany, UK, Scotland, Greece, Jamaica, Mexico, Dominican Republic, The Netherlands, Austria, Philippines, and Peru, while expanding in 2012 to numerous countries.
Why Start A Coffee Business?
1. Coffee is the second largest traded commodity in the world (next to oil).
2. There are over 108 million coffee consumers in the United States.
3. Coffee Retail sales are approximately 9.2 billion dollars per year and growing.
4. Coffee drinkers spend on average $164.71 per year on coffee.
5. 54% of the adult population in the United States drinks coffee daily.
6. The average American consumes 3.1 cups of coffee per day.
7. The dietary supplement industry sales total $20 billion-a-year.
8. The health and wellness industry reached $68 billion in 2004.
9. Organo Gold combines all these industries into one Great Cup of Coffee!
10. Very tremendous business opportunity. It's simple, it's easy, it's coffee.
By combining the second largest traded commodity on earth along with
the benefits of "Ganoderma" known as "Ganoderma Lucidum" OrGano Gold Brand Coffee is quickly becoming the Healthy Coffee of Choice! Try a free sample today.
Started in June 2008, Organo Gold quickly got off in the USA and Canada and is on track to 1 million distributors in 2015 and
est. $800+ million revenue.
Recorded "Overview" Conference Call
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est. $800+ million revenue.
Recorded "Overview" Conference Call
Enter pin code 71200#
Why OrGano Gold and coffee? I have looked for a product that is used everyday. I found it! Coffee and tea are tremendous. Currently in my cabinets are 3 cans of (XXXX) coffee and (XXXX) doesn't pay me any commissions. I spent 3 weeks researching this coffee company along with 2 other coffee companies. Plus, finding the right leadership team to be with . I've found it and have personally been given a game plan to success. I would love to share all this with you. The 4 Steps are the key. Your success is very important to me. Financial freedom is being created with coffee. I've learned by working online, being at the right place at the right time is KEY.
Click here for ** 2 Free Samples ** |
~ Kelly Tolar, Charlotte NC
1-704-401-4242 EST
Organo Gold is the best product.